12-Week Absolute Strength Wave Periodization Macrocycle
Tsunamis are some of the biggest, strongest waves in the world. However, this tsunami hasn’t been caused by an underwater earthquake or volcano. This tsunami is due to the occurrence of strategically planned specialty techniques and waving of volume and intensities to create the perfect environment to swell your swoleness.
Block 1
Weeks 1-2: 5x8
Weeks 3-4: 5x6
Weeks 5-6: 5x4
Block 2
Weeks 7-8: 6x7
Weeks 9-10: 6x5
Weeks 11-12: 6x3
Utilizing a 14-day microcycle, this training program will bring you through two waves, each 6 weeks in duration. Concentric, eccentric and isometric muscle contractions will be periodically emphasized throughout this program to help develop size and strength. Extended eccentrics, concentric-eccentric combo, accentuated eccentrics, concentric pauses and functional isometrics all get used within this program at specific times to maximize your results.
If you, too, want to strike fear into bystanders at the beach, look no further than Tsunami Swole.
Pairs well with

12-Week Absolute Strength Wave Periodization Macrocycle
Included in every program...
How to Read Your Training Program Guide
Gain a clear understanding of how to follow and maximize your training sessions.
Program Specific Overview
Learn the objectives and expected outcomes tailored to each program.
Training Matrix
An outline of your training schedule to help you stay organized and focused.
Training Sessions
Exercises, sets, reps, tempo, and rest periods to optimize your efforts.
Passion for Strength.
Train Smart. Train Hard. Train KILO.

A Look Inside...
At KILO, delivering top-tier training solutions is our passion. Our PDF Programs stand as a testament to this commitment, offering expertly designed workout plans that are both affordable and highly effective. Whether you're aiming to build strength, kick start fat loss, or enhance performance, our programs provide a powerful blueprint to help you surpass your fitness goals.